Talents and Gifts
Our Savior's Lutheran Church is thankful to have you as a vital part of the congregation and the ministry of the church. There are many ways to share the unique gifts and talents God has entrusted in you for the work of the Kingdom. Please prayerfully consider how you would like to share those gifts.
Pastor Anna is available to discuss your ideas for sharing your gifts by phone, email, or in person.
Please do not hesitate to connect!
Monetary gifts are collected for God's work in and through Our Savior's. The invitation to give is open, and may be completed through the ways below. Contributions to Our Savior's are given in a variety of ways: weekly, monthly, annually, etc. We invite you, through prayer, to seek the Lord's guidance in giving.
If you would like to make an ongoing giving commitment of time, talent, or finances please contact the church office. Our Savior's is more than grateful to serve the Lord together with you!
God blesses all of us with various gifts and talents to be used in growing faith by serving others. Below are a few ways that Our Savior's and area ministries may benefit from your sharing!
Ways you can donate:
In Person
Please place your offerings in the plate on Sunday during worship. You may also stop by the Church office from 9:00 am- 1:00 pm Monday thru Friday.
By Mail
We understand you cannot always be present at worship. Please mail your contributions to:
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
1326 1st Ave N
Great Falls, MT 59401
Tithely online giving is here! Click the "Give" button below to make a secure online donation, or set up a recurring offering by bank withdrawal or credit card.
We are grateful for all the ways the congregation commits to growing the Kingdom through the work of Our Savior's Lutheran Church